
  • Louisa Willcox of NRDC writes about the Delisting Hearing Louisa Wilcox, of NRDC, has written a great piece about the hearing and how the arguments by the government were disjointed and more about the politics than the law. She raises some good points and gives more information about the judge’s questions of the government’s conflicting…

  • Judge wonders why Wyoming was left out of the delisting decision. It looks like Molloy’s decision will center greatly on the decision of the USFWS to leave out Wyoming. About that decision: “I understand the practical argument, I understand the political argument. Those two things are very, very clear. But what I don’t understand is…

  • 85 protesters show up at courthouse- Wolf delisting hearing stalled after attorney faints in courtroom.

  • Tomorrow is the big day before Judge Molloy- “”People simplify things,”[Ed] Bangs said. “They’ll say 300 wolves is not enough for recovery, but that’s not the recovery goal. That’s bogus. Or they’ll say the Service promised there’d never be more than 300 wolves. That’s not true either.” Rest of the story in the Missoulian.

  • Would rather have a distraction away from real issues affecting the landscape The Wyoming Governor continues his complaining about wolves and the litigation surrounding them by claiming that the groups suing over delisting are “venue shopping”. He wants to be the one to decide where a case is heard because he likes the judges where…

  • Druid 690F shot by rancher south of Butte- She was sick and beaten up by attacks from other wolves. She was trying for some livestock. Butte, of course, is quite a distance from Yellowstone Park. Yellowstone Park wolf killed near Butte. By Nick Gevock. Montana Standard

  • Bangs says recovery population goal for wolves in the Northern Rockies was changed- Anti-wolf folks argue that a population goal deal (or promise) was violated by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when it did not delist wolves in the Idaho, Montana and Wyoming as soon as the states had 300 wolves in total.  Project leader,…

  • Oral arguments set for June 15 Judge sets date to hear wolf-lawsuit arguments. EVE BYRON Independent Record

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