
  • The federal authorization for each state to reduce wolves to 100-150 animals puts northern Rockies wolves on a spiral toward extinction. Interesting opinion piece about the inadequacies of the States’ wolf management plans. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming Wolf Policies Foreshadow Extinction By Michael J. Robinson, Guest Writer for New West

  • How many times did we say Idaho Fish and Game’s 500 wolves plan was meaningless in the face of the legislature? House Concurrent Resolution 43, now before the Idaho Legislature says that “existing conditions relating to wolves define an emergency condition for all rural Idahoans and, in the face of this emergency, the Legislature encourages…

  • This is a good national television treatment of the issue- Salle put this link on the “have run across any good stories” page, but it should be a full post. Hunting Wolves, Saving Wolves. PBS Salle. I know you tried to call me about this, but I was out in the hills most of the…

  • Increased mortality has stopped the wolf population growth says USFWS- Tally shows wolves holding steady in region after Montana, Idaho hunting seasons. By Matthew Brown. AP The 3 state wolf population growth has stopped. Wyoming’s population, where there was no wolf hunt, grew slightly. Montana’s population dropped slightly. Idaho figures are not in, but said…

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has now filed their brief- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, conservation groups file briefs in wolf lawsuit. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian Conservation groups filed their brief (set of or arguments) on Dec. 31. There are other briefs that have been filed as ” friend of the court” (amicus curiae) briefs.…

  • Clark was the director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1997 to 2001- “If the president’s pledge to restore scientific integrity to the Endangered Species Act, and to improve the law, is to be fulfilled, action must be taken immediately. The interior secretary should withdraw the flawed legal opinion on which his delisting…

  • Montana does not want wolves to be relisted Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks has filed its brief in the wolf delisting lawsuit arguing that wolves should not be relisted under the Endangered Species Act. Two stories: FWP files brief against relisting wolves Billings Gazette State FWP to Molloy: Wolves are recovered, should be delisted Missoulian

  • Media help arrives from a big gun- A lot of people said Idaho Fish and Game Commission really screwed up when they extended the wolf hunt. Rumor is that Ed Bangs got bald tearing his hair out after learning about Idaho’s gift to anti-delisting groups. “. .. when protections were lifted earlier this year in…

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