
  • Greater Yellowstone Coalition reverses previous position on wolf delisting and files its own suit separate from those filed by the Wolf Coalition and the State of Wyoming. The suit was filed in Montana. This is the third suit filed over delisting. The first was filed by the Wolf Coalition, which is made up of several…

  • Suit Filed to Challenge Removal of Endangered Species Act Protection From Northern Rockies Wolves For Immediate Release, June 2, 2009 MISSOULA, Mont.— Conservation groups today filed suit to challenge the removal of Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in Idaho and Montana. On April 2, 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dropped the…

  • Ignorance again rides high in the saddle as politicians in Idaho vilify the wolf- Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? Stephen Augustine. The River Journal.

  • Because WY is not part of the delisting, ranchers might lose their legal ability to shoot wolves attacking their livestock- What an irony! Wolf delisting might hinder Wyo. ranchers. Herdsmen can’t protect livestock, lawyers say. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Wolves in Northern Rockies and Great Lakes officially delisted May 4, 2009- Will delisting be better the second time around? Today for the second time in the Northern Rockies, wolves were delisted with all management decisions handed over to the states of Idaho and Montana, but not Wyoming where delisting  will not take place under…

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press contact: Josh Mogerman at 312-651-7909 (office) or 773-853-5384 (mobile) Conservation Groups Bring Wolf Fight Back Into Court NRDC and Twelve Groups fight decision to remove Northern Rocky Mountain wolves from Endangered Species List LIVINGSTON, Mont. (April 1, 2009) -The long fight over wolves in the Northern Rockies continued today when the…

  • Some of us hoped that they had second thoughts. Here it is in the Federal Register. (Updated link for Northern Rockies Wolves) Federal Register Link for Great Lakes Wolves

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