
  • Here goes nothing again? Nothing except a brief opportunity to slaughter wolves again? Story: Wolves may be delisted — again — this week.  By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter

  • Did they do a good job? The comments seem extremely strong to me. The comment period on the latest run at delisting ended on Nov. 28. This blog is probably the only place you will find these comments on-line all in one place. – – – – – – NRDC-comments-wolf-delisting-nov28-2008 Pdf file Earthjustice for 14…

  • Commission adopts new state rules (only minor changes)- Commission passes revision of wolf plan. Game and Fish officials hint that lawmakers might need to eliminate unregulated killing area. By Corey Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. These changes are supposed to help with the feds latest effort to delist the wolf, although hardly anyone thinks…

  • Jimenez goes back to the feds- Story: Wyo to disband wolf team. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. I’ve got to wonder if this move indicates the feds don’t really think their latest delisting attempt will work.

  • Outcome of meeting on Wyoming’s proposed revisions to their state wolf plan- Cody comments on new wolf plan. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette in the Casper Star Tribune

  • Idaho’s Latest Wolf Bi-weekly- IDAHO WOLF MANAGEMENT BI-WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT To:  Idaho Fish and Game Staff and Cooperators From:  IDFG Wolf Program Coordinator, Steve Nadeau Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Management, Weeks of October 18- Nov 3, 2008. Delisting: FWS – Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Status (WY, MT, ID): The U.S. Federal District Court in…

  • Wyoming is the biggest thorn in the delisters side- As folks pretty much all know, the Bush Administration, mostly likely at the initiative of Secretary Kempthone and cronies, is trying for one last quick stab at delisting the wolf before a new President replaces them. If folks work hard, they will probably be defeated again;…

  • Given a situation like this in the most problematic state — Wyoming — what does this say about delisting? This article covers some of the same ground as my ealier report on the current situation with the Yellowstone Park wolves. In fact we don’t even know that the decline is limited to the Park boundaries.…

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