
  • That didn’t take long – and it comes on the hip of troubling news about population numbers in general in the Northern Rockies – and even the recent sobering news about Yellowstone’s wolves.  I guess they figure they better jam this thing into gear before the next administration –  I don’t remember seeing any news about Wyoming having…

  • US Fish and Wildlife Service still hopes to delist, and fairly soon- Wolves put back on endangered list. Federal officials hope to return animal to state control by ’09. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Ed Bangs and crew are saying they will revamp the delisting rules so they can pass muster by Judge Molloy. However,…

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

  • Good news for wolves keeps rolling out. The Great Lakes wolves have won reprieve in federal court, preventing the Bush’s Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) attempt to delist: Court rules against U.S. in Great Lakes wolf case – AP

  • Wyoming’s wolf free-fire, “wolves-are-vermin” zone killed delisting- We can’t say this for certainty, but Judge Molloy’s decision which caused the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to throw in the towel for the time being on wolf delisting, had its origins in orgy of wolf killing in Wyoming immediately after the wolf was delisted. This is…

  • It’s official, FWS has made the request to pull it’s decision to delist : Feds ask to put wolves back on endangered list – AP It’s looking like there will be a whole new public comment period in the future.

  • Opponents of wolf delisting win! The cryptic early report is now definite. “Feds keeping Northern Rockies wolf listed for now.” AP. By Matthew Brown. So the great wolf delisting battle seems to be over, at least for a while (until after the election). This morning (Sept 17), Rocky Barker has an opinion on this. Bush…

  • Trophic Cascade: Keeping the Carnivore; Saving the Forest. (Second of Two Parts). By Deb Donahue. Folks certainly liked the first part judging from the comments. I didn’t know there would be a second part. RM. – – – – – Donahue is a lawyer and public lands law expert – – – – –…

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