
  • Of course, media coverage has been intense. Here are a number of stories that hopefully provide a variety of viewpoints. Regional stories and editorials- Wyoming- Judge orders wolf relisting. Casper Star Tribune. Judge restores wolf protection. Jackson Hole News and Guide Idaho- Wolves again have federal protection. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Back to square…

  • The state wolf plans have been enjoined by Montana federal district judge Molloy. The wolves are returned to the endangered species list. We got the news by cell phone while up in central Idaho. It appears to be a giant victory. Here is the brief AP story. Judge restores protection for N. Rockies wolves. By…

  • Will judge Molloy issue a split decision on wolves? Barker’s blog is in the Idaho Statesman. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the outcome.

  • Judge asked to rein in wolf killing in Northern Rockies by Matthew Brown. Associated Press. May 29 editorial added. 428 Wolves. The New York Times weighs in. May 30. Wyoming’s wolf zones in question. By Cory Hatch and The AP, Jackson Hole News and Guide. We predicted Wyoming’s “all wolves are vermin” zone would be…

  • “A cloud hangs over this wolf ‘management’ plan: Fish and Game Commissioners tend to reflect the temperament of Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, who’s made no secret of his hostility toward the animal. Last year, he expressed the wish that the wolf population would be slaughtered down to 100 animals to protect elk stock for hunters.”…

  • Wolf arguments go to judge. By Beb Neary. Associated Press writer

  • Here is the news release from the Idaho Fish and Game Commission on their wolf hunt decision. Notice that they could start their second year of “wolf management” on Jan. 1 by merely extending the wolf hunt season and reduce their newly lowered population minimum, even further. – – – – – – Date: May…

  • The state of Wyoming has submitted briefs to Judge Molloy’s court rejecting a broad coalition of conservation and animal rights groups’ request for an injunction of the decision to delist wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Wyo argues against relisting – Star Tribune Once more, the state avoids mentioning the precipitous nature of the wolf…

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