
  • In the West, a Fierce Battle Over Wolves. By Kirk Johnson. New York Times. – – – – Most of the focus has been on Wyoming. So far 3 illegal killings of wolves in east central and eastern Idaho have been detected.

  • WY Game and Fish . . .”People shouldn’t be alarmed,” but 13 are dead already [I rewrote the headline]. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune. At the Chico Conference one of the best papers made it clear that the Wyoming plan’s cutoff of the migration route south by putting it in the wolf-are-vermin zone, is…

  • Wolf de-listing: A look at both sides of the issue. West Yellowstone News.

  • Wolf hunters urged to use restraint. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune Some of the supporters of turning 87% of Wyoming into a free-fire zone for wolves seem to be having second thoughts. And its just not true that there is no wolf habitat in Wyoming’s wolf-are-vermin-zone. The Daniel Pack has formed and reformed time after…

  • When Protection Vanishes. Opinion of the New York Times. This is about the spate of wolf killings since federal protection vanished. Actually there were 5 wolves killed in Sublette County, Wyoming, not 3 or 4 as reported earlier. “The simple ethical fact seems to be that humans cannot restrain themselves, not without laws and incentives…

  • “Large numbers of hunters reportedly prowled the state’s newly designated wolf predator area in Sublette County Friday, Saturday and Sunday, locals and outfitters said.” The rest of the story is in the Casper Star Tribune. By Chris Merrill. Post-delisting wolf kills begin. Note the role of elk feedgrounds in making it easier to kill wolves.

  • Wolves remain protected in Washington. The Omak Chronicle. Despite delisting, wolves remain protected by state law in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington. In Western Oregon and Washington, they remain protected by federal law too. The drawing up the boundaries for delisting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service went out of their way to move them…

  • It’s hard for papers in the 3 states to say it so baldly as Jim Doherty does in Wolves are Back. Humans are Howling. Washington Post. If the judge sees it this way, delisting will be set aside. Another related matter that needs to be covered so well nationally, because it is so similar, is…

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