
  • New era begins for wolves in Idaho. Under state management, life could change for the state’s 800 gray wolves but not right away. By Roger Phillips. Idaho Statesman. This is a look at the delisting with the primary emphasis on wolves in Idaho where about half of them live.

  • The article explains how the 30 day window emerged before a lawsuit can be filed. There are some pretty scary possibilities over the next 30 days. Don’t take advantage of legal loophole. A Message to Wolf Haters. By Bill Schneider. New West.

  • Wyoming Assumes Wolf Control. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune Now lawful to shoot wolves at will in 87% of Cowboy State. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune Wyomng wolves will struggle outside zone. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune Endangered species: With wolves off the list, law suit on the way. By John Cramer.…

  • Wyoming ranchers outside wolf zone say they’ll only target offending animals. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune. The ranchers in article say the Wyoming wolves in their new “vermin” zone come Friday won’t be immediately indiscriminately killed. It would cost too much. These predator control boards that have been set up are in fact rolling…

  • Some people tend to forget that state management of wolves isn’t a responsibility exclusively reserved to the Idaho Department of Fish & Game, a department that’s allegedly insulated from politicization. I slip “allegedly” in there because anyone who’s been paying attention to wildlife issues in the state has a good idea that the Livestock lobby…

  • There will not be a lawsuit filed to stop delisting on March 28. Plaintiffs will wait (will have to wait) until April 28. They might seek an injunction, however, if one or more of the states uses the period to kill a lot of wolves. I would urge everyone to be vigilant, especially in Wyoming.…

  • Story in the Casper Star Tribune. End of the Trail. By Chris Merrill. – – – – — Related. Rocky Barker’s blog, “Letters from the West,” has a story about Jemenez coupled with discussion that wolves were moving southward into Idaho and NW Montana prior to the wolf reintroduction. Note that Barker does not say…

  • The delisting of the wolf is scheduled to go into effect March28. The boundaries of the delisted zone are “generous,” wiping out federal protection in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Utah as well as Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. A radio-collared wolf from Idaho’s Timberline pack dispersed into the NE Oregon Wallowas last winter. This…

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