
  • State wildlife agencies wait to take over wolves. 2007 also saw record number of wolves killed in the region. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette Staff. The record number of wolves killed did seem to reduce reduce, or was at least associated, with fewer losses of livestock in Wyoming. Sheep are more likely to be killed…

  • Idaho wolves are moving into Oregon, but soon wolves in Eastern Oregon will no longer be a federally protected species (assuming delisting actually happens). However, Oregon has its own strict, but only partially completed state wolf plan. So wolves will remain legally protected in Eastern Oregon (but by the state). According to the Wallowa County…

  • Opinion in the Seattle Times. By Brenda Peterson. Major guest opinions like this are very helpful reminding Americans and others why the wolves were restored and what is at stake with state management.

  • Eleven conservation groups have notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service they will be sued for issuing their rule delisting the wolf in the Northern Rockies. Story (one of many similar). This, of course, has been expected for a long time. So to try to shore up what might be a losing action on their,…

  • For release. February 27, 2008 Contact: Suzanne Asha Stone, Defenders of Wildlife, (208) 424-0932 Louisa Willcox, Natural Resources Defense Council, (406) 222-9561 Franz Camenzind, Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, (307) 733-9417 Kristina Johnson, Sierra Club, (415) 977-5619 Michael Robinson, Center for Biological Diversity, (575) 534-0360 Jon Marvel, Western Watersheds Project, (208) 788-2290 Eleven Conservation Groups Challenge…

  • A bitter row between US wildlife groups and the Bush administration has broken out over a federal decision to end protection for grey wolves in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. Removal of protection means wolves can be hunted again. This is from the U.K. newspaper, the Guardian Unlimited. There is nothing new in the article. I…

  •  “If a wolf turns up in Rocky Mountain National Park, it will be protected by the Endangered Species Act. But plans by the Bush administration to remove ESA protection from Yellowstone’s wolves could make it incredibly hard for the predators to migrate down to Colorado.” The above is from an article on delisting in National…

  • Here is the link to the final delisting rule published today.

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