
  • State wolf rules go to public. By CHRIS MERRILL. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. Of course Wyoming’s wolf plan is terrible and will result in the elimination of most packs except those inside Yellowstone Park. This would only happen under the Bush Administration. They will be shooting wolves because the wolves will come to their disease-spreading…

  • This appeared a few days ago. Our View: It’s high time to let states manage wolves (by the editorial board). After many complaints, we found out who actually wrote this. She hadn’t even read the state wolf management plan. Discussion of the details and the facts didn’t matter, apparently those things didn’t matter. Addendum 12-30-08:…

  • Congressmen ask Kempthorne to delay delisting wolves in the West. Billings Gazette. This won’t stop delisting. It’s a political warning (“don’t stage a big reduction slaughter) from a bipartisan group on the House Natural Resources Committee.

  • Idaho state legislators just don’t believe the numbers on wolves and big game and they’re more than willing to be loud about it. Wolf population grows F&G director briefs lawmakers on species By Jared S. Hopkins Times-News This is the kind of political pressure and anecdotal hearsay  that makes the state not ready for delisting.

  • A Divide as Wolves Rebound in a Changing West. New York Times. By Kirk Johnson The New York Times article today writes of how the West has changed since wolves were introduced 13 years ago with an influx of people who do not have the old fashioned ideas about wolves and are more likely to…

  • Many folks will like to read this, find a lot of good information and see how thoroughly political, rather than scientific the plan is. There is great information placing wolf caused livestock mortality into context with other kinds of losses. The due date for comments was Dec. 31, 2007. This  is an 8 page pdf…

  • Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has set up a framework for a Montana wolf hunt once the wolves are delisted. Story. Montana wolf hunt gets preliminary approval. Great Falls Tribune. Montana’s wildlife commission has been proceeding somewhat more cautiously than Idaho’s. With 40 breeding pairs (“37” according to this story), it might seem Montana can…

  • Congressmen Nick Joe Rahall (D-WV), George Miller (D-CA), Norm Dix (D-WA), Wayne Gilcrest (R-MD), Jim Saxton (R-NJ) have written a fine letter to Secretary of Interior Dirk Kempthorne opposing Northern Rockies wolf delisting. Please thank them. It is rare when we have had political leaders to thank on this issue. Here is the letter rahill-kempthornewolves-delist.pdf

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