
  • From reintroduction to statewide hunt? Fish and Game releases draft plan to hunt wolves throughout Idaho. By Jason Kaufmann. Idaho Mountain Express. One of the places Idaho Fish and Game won’t be holding a public hearing is the Wood River Valley: Hailey, Ketchum, Bellevue, Sun Valley, the largest population of mountain folks in central Idaho…

  • The wheels greased for its acceptance by the Bush Administration, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission met in Thermopolis, Wyoming and passed the much criticized Wyoming state wolf management plan, which is bad for wolves in almost every way. Only two conservationists testified, Franz Camenzind of the Jackson Hole Alliance and Lisa Upson of the…

  • CST had opined that because in the public comments, opposition to the Wyoming wolf plan was general, this showed that because no one was pleased compromised had been struck. This letter disagrees. Avoided decisions bite back.

  • ~I think this is the most important wolf story in quite a while~ – – – – – Perhaps the greatest success story in terms of numbers is the recovery of the wolf in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Recovery began, however, before genetic analysis had advanced. Far more is known today, and the recovered wolf…

  • Time Magazine sounds the alarm! The headline is misleading because Yellowstone National Park’s wolves are not embattled except indirectly by gradual deterioration of their genetics if adjacent non-Park wolf packs are eliminated. Nevertheless, the article makes it clear the 1200 or so wolves outside the Park are probably threatened with a large reduction in their…

  • This AP story by Matthew Brown appeared in the Seattle Times and many other newspapers. Control plan labeled threat to survival of wolf population. It is about the proposed new 10j rule for state wolf management prior to total delisting. The NRDC also has a national television ad running beginning today (not just a YouTube…

  • This is by far the most important thing going on with the wolves right now. As you know, there were recently hearings in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming on revisions to the rule that governs how the reintroduced wolves are managed — “the 10j” rule. Once a protective rule, under the “leadership of Cheney/Kempthorne and anti-wolf…

  • Richard Thiel, Wisconsin’s first wolf biologist, received honors in DC for his role with wolf education. The article also gives a brief description of recovery in the mid-West. Tomah man honored for work with wolves The Tomah Journal By Keith Zukas

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