
  •   Although I earlier posted a lot of material about the USFWS proposed changes to the 10j rule on the “non-essential, experimental” population of wolves in Idaho, Wyoming, and much of Montana, a month ago, I’ve been asked to post again now that the due date approaches — August 6. Here is the proposed new…

  • Video of the recent Boise wolf hearing on the WWP blog. Look who’s going to be running the show for wolves in Idaho. Note: “management flexibility” means kill wolves without restriction. That’s the endangered species act under George Bush and Dirk Kempthorne. Note that Jim Caswell, in one of the video segments, is the new…

  • Once again, the Fish & Wildlife Service’s attempt to undermine the integrity and contribution of science in the wolf recovery process was met with a diverse and vociferous outcry of wolf, and science, supporters.

  • The Boise (10j rule) hearing will be webcast live tonight barring difficulties encountered at the venue. Unfortunately, does not support streaming embeds so I am unable to embed the video on this post. If you would like to watch the live video and/or participate in the public comment, you can do so by visiting…

  • Not a lot of people showed up, but then I think wolf opponents figure they have won the day. Here is the story from Helena, MT in the Helena Independent Record. As I learn more about the Cody hearing, it’s apparent that the scientific review process is bogus. The states will decide who reviews their…

  • Here is the AP story from the Casper Star Tribune. By Matthew Brown. The story got the main point — the 10j changes are designed to get around the legal “problem” of delisting the wolves by treating them on the ground as if they had been legally delisted. The story did not point out that…

  • “Wyoming could start killing wolves that harm or harass wildlife in early 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Wednesday.” Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch. Can you believe that, the US Fish and Wildfire Service is going to let Wyoming kill wolves for eating elk? Most likely on the state’s disease-ridden…

  • This article is from the Environment News Service about the new 10j proposed rule and the backdoor approval of Wyoming’s “keep them inside Yellowstone Park” state wolf plan. The headline is a bit misleading. I think what we are seeing is a last gasp from George Bush’s supporters while the fool President and his corrupt…

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