
  • Below are links to a very large number of stories on the wolf delisting. The list was compiled by Rod Klavins. Numerous people sent them to him. TRCP Press Release: Wolf Delisting a ‘Conservation Success Story’ Drovers Cattle Network: NCBA, PLC call for full delisting of wolves nationwide USFWS: What States are Saying about the Service’s Gray Wolf…

  • Or does anyone really believe the wolf was delisted on the “best available science?” Species are supposed to be delisted based on the “best available science”.  The recent controversy over the wolf’s delisting from the endangered species list is not just a flare up over competing values — wolves, love them or hate them. An…

  • Family of wolf conservationists tell the grim facts of current state wolf management- While public opinion in favor of keeping wolves at least partially protected by the endangered species act, was ignored yesterday when the Department of Interior announced the national delisting of all wolves except the Mexican wolf, the New York Times and other publications…

  • Wolf controversy is personal and cultural, not over biology- Except for the few people “on the fence” — those who have not chosen sides — the controversy over wolf restoration in the West is not really about wolves. When the wolves were first reintroduced beginning in 1995, there was some genuine debate over whether it…

  • Interior Secretary Sally Jewell received two letters today from conservation scientists criticizing a draft Rule that would remove protections for wolves across the lower 48 states. One letter came from the American Society of Mammalogists, the other from 16 conservation scientists.  Signatories include several scientists who conducted the research the government relied upon in the…

  • L.A. Times reveals national delisting except for the struggling, tiny population of Mexican wolves- The Los Angeles Times has broken the news that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is going delist the gray wolf completely with one exception, the Mexican wolf. Arizona and New Mexico wanted even the 50-60 Mexican wolves to be declared “recovered”…

  • Wyoming’s Wolf Plan Lethal for Wolves Denver, CO. A coalition of grassroots conservation organizations filed suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today for removing gray wolves in Wyoming from the federal threatened and endangered species list. The Service approved the State’s management of wolves in September, and the Wyoming Game and Fish…

  • Wolves now under Wyoming control and they are already being shot in state’s first wolf hunting season- Mike Jimenez, who has managed wolves in Wyoming for U.S. government for years now with a slowly growing wolf population and minimal livestock depredations, has written his last wolf news report. Here it is converted to a PDF…

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