
  • (7/1) Judge Molloy Denies Proposed Intervenors’ Stay and Reconsideration Motions – Hearing Set on Motion for Summary Judgement Safari Club and the NRA jointly filed a Motion for Reconsideration of Judge Molloy’s previous order denying the groups intervenor status in the litigation.  Asking the judge to reconsider is a procedural requirement if the groups wish to appeal to…

  • Did a Campaign of Fear and Intimidation Lead to the Gray Wolf’s Removal from the Endangered Species List? There have been a number of analyses of the recent congressional wolf delisting in the Northern Rocky Mountains. One recent piece places much of the blame on “environmentalists.” It is available by subscription only the the High…

  • A good blog on the delisting, relisting, and delisting of the wolf in the Northern  Rockies- Huffing and Puffing. By Kevin Taylor. The Pacific Northwest Inlander. Among other things, I like the discussion of the snail darter from back in the 1970s when Congress decided to build a real white elephant of a dam and…

  • Salazar announces wolves delisted in Rockies and hunting can begin – Idaho Statesman Wolves will be delisted in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming on Thursday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said. The rule would reinstate the 2009 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in Idaho and Montana, eastern Washington, eastern…

  • Oregon wolves will remain protected on the state’s endangered species act- What the federal delisting for wolves means for Oregon’s packs, ranchers. By Richard Cockle, The Oregonian.

  • NYT condemns Salazar and his acquiescence to delisting the wolf by legislative rider- A Hole in the Endangered Species Act. New York Times.

  • Anti-Wolfer’s Success In An End-Run Delisting of Wolves MUST Ultimately Backfire George Wuerthner wrote this now apt essay over a year ago, published in New West last September, suggesting that should anti-wolf interests succeed in delisting wolves and fail to exercise restraint in killing wolves that it would ultimately backfire. Wolf Restoration is a Challenge…

  • Wolves will be removed from the Endangered Species List in Idaho, Montana, and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah within 60 days. Wolves to come off endangered list within 60 days Associated Press

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