Idaho Wolves

  • Senator Jeff Siddoway also pushes amendment to turn Land Owner Appreciation bill into a no access gravy train- Idaho rancher and State Senator Jeff Siddoway has introduced a bill (S1305) in the Idaho statehouse that would authorize the slaughter of wolves involved in molesting or killing livestock by any number of creative ways. Senator Siddoway…

  • 122 killed in Montana; 195 in Idaho- Two more areas in Montana have meet its wolf quota and will close Dec. 29. Areas 101 and 110 in NW Montana will close. In total 122 wolves have been killed in Montana. The Montana statewide quota is 220.  Recently the state game commission extended the wolf hunt…

  • The Los Angeles Times has picked up the story on the “Killer Bee” Wildlife Services plane. Well, finally the general public can see some sense of what they’d like to keep hidden out in Idaho. Federal use of aerial sharpshooters to kill wolves draws fire,  By Kim Murphy. UPDATE 12/15/2011 HOLD THE PRESSES! After…

  • Montana greatly extends wolf hunting season- Idaho to kill supposed large population of Lolo wolves with helicopters- Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission has extended their wolf hunt not for just a month but for a month and half, with maybe more to follow.  Having reached only half their dead wolf quota in early December they…

  • Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wants to extend wolf hunt another month, to end of January 2012- Montana FWP choose a quota of 220 dead wolves statewide (with the various wolf hunting units having quotas too) for the state’s second wolf hunt, which begin Sept. 9, 2011. So far 98 dead wolves have been officially…

  • Poachers killed a big bull elk and also illegally transferred wolf tags- Here is the outcome of the matter of the elk poaching Tasmanians in the Idaho wilderness. Many of the details came from an article by Australian reporter Paul Toohey for The Mercury. The 3 men, Darren Tubb, 43, Anton Kapeller, 58, and Samuel…

  • Legal wolf trapping is now underway in northern Idaho- Idaho first legal wolf trapping season is underway.  Trapping is controversial and there are many questions about it. Answers will come. Lessons might be learned. During this first season, wolves can be caught with leg-hold traps or by snares. Whether trapping is ethically or morally right,…

  • You may remember the controversy prompted by the Flat Top Ranch’s application for a $300,000 match from Blaine County Land, Water & Wildlife Program‘s funds levied by Blaine County citizens “to protect natural resources and the quality of life valued by area residents.” The controversy started when the Flat Top Ranch’s application sought to fund…

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