Idaho Wolves
9th Circuit Filings – Constitutional Challenge to Wolf Delisting Rider ^Update 10/18/11 – Posted: Alliance for the Wild Rockies et al’s Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Motion for Summary Judgement Response Briefs (Appellees US Fish and Wildlife Service; Intervenors RMEF, NRA, & Montana/Idaho Farm Bureaus; Montana Amicus Brief) **Update 8/24/11 – Posted: Alliance for…
The Report shows depredations down and even with wolf hunt mortality less than 2010- Of course the mortality figures will build to greater than 2010. September Wolf Report
Quota of three wolves is filled- Montana wolf hunters have killed the small quota of just 3 wolves immediately north of Yellowstone Park, so the wolf hunt there is now closed. It is subunit 313-316 of wolf management unit 390. The quota next to the Park was set low because it is bad public relations…
After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…
Sales will probably increase as deer and elk season arrives- Sale of wolf tags for Idaho’s second wolf hunt are pretty weak. There are probably a number of reasons. Most likely there are not all that many who want to specifically hunt wolves, and a wolf killed in September will make a lousy pelt or…
Wolf season proposal includes an on-line survey- We have written a lot about Idaho’s proposed upcoming second wolf hunt, one that will have no statewide quota and a very long season coupled with trapping in northern Idaho. Here is the detailed information for the Idaho Fish and Game Department and an online survey you can…
No quotas (limits) are expected for hunt except along part of the Idaho/Montana border- Idaho to offer looser wolf hunt rules. By John Miller and Matthew Brown. Associated Press Ever since Butch Otter became Idaho’s governor, it was clear to me and the conservation groups that understand Idaho politics that at some point this would…
As I’ve argued for a long time, this is probably because there are few wolves to kill- It is a political article of faith in much of Idaho that wolves are the reason for the relatively low elk numbers in the area called “the Lolo.” The belief also blames wolves for the failure of elk…