Idaho Wolves
I just got back home from the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner’s meeting in Idaho Falls. At the meeting an informative document “Gray Wolves in Idaho: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Answers to Idaho Department of Fish and Game Questions” was handed out. Check it out. USFWS q&a
IDFG claims wolves are having “unacceptable impacts” in the Lolo Zone Now that the US Fish and Wildlife calls the shots again on wolves, the Idaho Fish and Game is proposing to kill all but 20-30 wolves in the Lolo Zone for a period of 5 years. Of course the current 10j rule was weakened…
A couple of years ago, Steve Nadeau answered a question I had about the impact that a public hunt would have to wolf populations. At that time, as the state was posturing for “competent manager” status, Nadeau spent much effort trying to reassure advocates that state managers had a good idea what effect a hunt…
Wolf management plan examines killing of pups and sterilization of wolves. Wildlife Services has issued a draft Environmental Analysis which examines a myriad of ways to kill wolves. Comments on the plan are accepted until August 31, 2010. Idaho Wolf EA “Management strategies would be developed for individual situations by applying the WS Decision Model…
Victory ! Wolves Relisted in the Northern Rockies ! Judge Molloy rules in wolf advocates’ favor ! Federal judge puts gray wolves back on endangered species list – AP Read the Order – – – – – – Update: Here is the story in the Washington Post. This story is pretty matter of fact {well…
Habitat and hunting play big role in declines I don’t think this is news to many people here but wolves haven’t had the effect many people claim and their role in the ecosystem is much more complex than many would like you to believe. The IDFG has issued a public report that explains that wolves…
Increased quotas, trapping, snaring, and electronic calls are being considered. If you want your voice to be heard this is your opportunity. Don’t be intimidated and speak your mind. F&G Commission To Meet In Idaho Falls In August The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet August 16 in Idaho Falls. Commissioners will consider proposed…
Inexperienced trappers will likely trap pets and other non-target animals. Backlash will ensue I think people should be prepared for many non-target animals to be taken with snares and traps including pets. It takes years and years for government employees to learn how to properly trap and snare wolves without taking non-target species and there…