Idaho Wolves
Were more or fewer wolves killed than expected? People will ask that question, but it’s hard to answer because there were so many different predictions. I said “it depends.” Here are some stories. Idaho wolf hunt draws to a close. By Roger Phillips. Idaho Statesman. First wolf-hunting season a success, official says. Betsy Z. Russell.…
Goal was 12 wolves- After the lawsuit and all the expense and danger of darting wolves from the air to collar them in the rugged Frank Church Wilderness, the results are in. After risk to life and limb, instead of 12 wolves the department got only 4 collared. This is apparently the same number of…
Long awaited official USFWS report on wolves is released- Here is a brief AP story on some of the report’s conclusions. Folks should note that with the larger wolf population figures of recent years and the effects of the hunting seasons, the population estimate, and the especially estimate of the number of breeding pairs of…
Trapping of wolves may begin in Idaho next year. Unsurprisingly, Cal Groen wants more wolves to be killed in the Lolo Zone and other places. Trapping is also being considered for next year. Fish and Game director wants expanded wolf hunting Associated Press
Rumor of the demise of the pack not true- Earlier someone commented that Phantom Hill wolf pack which generally lives northwest of SunValley/Ketchum, Idaho had been killed off in the wolf hunt. It turns out only 2 of the pack of now 6-8 wolves were shot, but they are staying away from town so far…
No surprise. Elk numbers decline further. No surprise Fish and Game says it’s almost all due to wolves- News Release– Idaho Fish and Game. Here is a graph the department did. Let’s analyze the graph. This decline was predicted, but not its depth. Wolves were reintroduced in 1995, but their number was trivial in the…
Judges buys Idaho Fish and Game argument that agency only wants valuable data- It’s a high bar to get a judge to rule against an agency that claims expertise and say “this is ridiculous.” That is my first take. I think, the U.S. Forest Service needs to be told to revise their general regulations for…
This is the official state report on wolf management for January- This report has a fair amount of news — numbers for 2009, etc. It is the first time I have seen any real description of their Lolo wolf/elk study with numbers and a bit about methods. I think it’s worthwhile read. Idaho-wolf-news-Jan2010