Idaho Wolves
Increased mortality has stopped the wolf population growth says USFWS- Tally shows wolves holding steady in region after Montana, Idaho hunting seasons. By Matthew Brown. AP The 3 state wolf population growth has stopped. Wyoming’s population, where there was no wolf hunt, grew slightly. Montana’s population dropped slightly. Idaho figures are not in, but said…
Preliminary wolf mortality numbers from the Idaho Fish and Game released. Officially, a total of 273 wolves died in Idaho from all causes. 260 were human caused mortalities which is up 120 from last year resulting in a 178% increase in overall mortality. Also from the report: From September 1 through December 31, 135 wolves…
Cause of crash is still not known- Idaho biologists recovering from helicopter crash. The Associated Press Although this has been discussed and we have been told a good investigation of matter has taken place over the last three days, the AP article says the cause of the crash is not know. It was a wolf,…
The wolf was 170 yards away when it was shot I think this is pretty serious. It goes to show the lack of an adequate regulatory framework on behalf of the State of Idaho. The wolf was 170 yards away when the guy shot it. If they can’t prosecute a case like this then they…
~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…
Idaho Fish and Game Proposal defeats the purpose of Wilderness- What could more opposite, animals and people roaming freely in the great outdoors; or struggling through rough country under the never sleeping watch of souless technology, subject to summary execution from the air on the order of distant bureaucrats? That’s what is a stake in…
Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report. USFWS- I notice livestock predation by wolves in Wyoming in 2009 was really trivial. Of the dead sheep, which was up in ’09, “three packs (Big Horn, Black Butte, and Dog Creek) were responsible for all of the195 confirmed sheep depredations. The Big Horn Pack consisted of 3 adults…
The quota of ten wolves has been met. Five hunting zones now closed- Here is the Idaho wolf hunt map data. 139 wolves have been legally shot. 81 remain in the total state quota.