Idaho Wolves

  • A rally honoring the dead from the Idaho 2011-12 hunting season set as the unlimited 2012-13 seasons nears- Surveys show that there are many people, maybe a plurality,  in Idaho who favor wolves.  Some favor a reasonable wolf hunt, which the planned hunt arguably is not. Others are completely opposed to wolf hunting. The Idaho political establishment…

  • State to always have at least one area open to wolf hunting- New rules! Idaho has decided in effect to always have at least one place in the state open to wolf hunting on a rotating basis.  This is in addition to the general wolf hunt that goes for about half a year. Wolf hunting…

  • “Lost” puppy picked up by campers was male wolf pup- Students video a “bigfoot” near Pocatello- Most wolf stories from Idaho have lately been negative due to the domination of the political scene by anti-wolf politicians, but there is a heart warming story from Ketchum where campers picked up what they thought was a lost…

  • Less than a year after Flat Top Ranch was awarded $600,000 for a conservation easement – half of which was paid for by a Blaine County levy assessed to protect wildlife –  Flat Top Ranch has run into more conflicts with wolves: Jerome Hansen, supervisor of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region,…

  • The Wildlife News has finally obtained all of the records of documented mortality for wolves from April 1, 2011 up to April 1, 2012. This information tells a grim story about what the toll of handing over management to the State of Idaho has been on the Idaho wolf population.  All told, based on some…

  • Isaac Babcock, and his new wife Bjornen, made a decision to spend the first year of their married life on an unusual honeymoon. They decided to spend the year living and filming a documentary in Idaho’s Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness which focuses mostly on wolves but also on the other amazing wildlife…

  • ID F & G does report on Bransford- Rocky Barker has done a story on their report.  Among other things they found he did nothing at all illegal but showed bad judgment posing for and posting a photo like that. I thought it was important that the department found nothing to support the rumor that…

  • Wolf trapper Josh Bransford hurt Idaho’s image according to The Idaho Statesman- In Sunday’s newspaper there is a strong condemnation, e.g., “His behavior isn’t sporting. It’s sickening. Idahoans will forever disagree about the wolf and its place in the state’s natural order, but all Idahoans should at least be able to speak with one voice…

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