Mexican Wolves
This important story on the Mexican wolves is from Wild Again, the Sinapu blog. The story has also been in a number of newspapers the last day or so. Conservationists Request Suspension of Mexican Wolf-Killing “Predator Control” Policy post 1113
This is an attempt to remove yet another of the very endangered Mexican wolves who are now down to just 4 breeding pairs in the wild. Removal of this wolf would make it just 3 breeding pairs. Worse still, this female wolf is pregnant. Because the Mexican wolves were derived from just 8 wolves, (they…
This is bad news for the struggling Mexican wolf program, but the blame is on these rural counties who for years have believed that obeying the law is optional. I am not just badmouthing them, this was heart of county secession, militia movement back in the 1990s. Story in the Las Cruces Sun News. AP…
Story in the Las Cruces Sun-News. AP
By Halina Szyposzynski The military has its “five-o’clock follies.” The Mexican Wolf Adaptive Management Work Group (MWAMWG) has its “quarterly quirks.” Items from the January 27th meeting: · After receiving complaints from Greenlee County residents, wolf managers are removing the phrase “Wolf Country” from signage advising of wolf presence in the Blue Range…
By Jean Ossorio. The alpha male of the San Mateo pack–one of the handful of breeding pairs (six or seven, depending on how you interpret the definition in the Final Rule) at the end of 2006–has been slapped with a removal order by the USFWS for a third livestock depredation within 365 days. The rest…
Although the recovery of gray wolves in the Northern Rockies has been pretty successful, recovery of the smaller, sub-species Mexican Gray Wolf in Arizona and New Mexico, has been poor. Ten years after they began to be reintroduced, there are only 6 breeding pairs in the two states, and as the article below states, the…
The Center for Biological Diversity filed suit Dec. 14 to compel the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to implement reforms to the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program that a scientific panel had urged back in June 2001. This was a wolf restoration program that was designed in a way that it could not possibly succeed.…