Mexican Wolves
Some worry that Mexican Gray wolf pups were abandoned due to human activity near densite. Wolf pups rescued; some found dead By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN – Associated Press Writer
Legal success is only a first step, however- Judge sides with environmentalists in wolf case. By Susan Montoya Bryan. Associated Press Writer. The victory was that the judge rejected the federal government’s motion to throw the case out.
Lobos of the Southwest is the first website totally devoted to the conservation of the Mexican wolf, although there is an “anti” web site. This is a much needed development. Lobos of the Southwest.
2008 was a year of no growth. It ended with 2 breeding pairs of wolves- Update (2/6/09) Feds: Killings hamper Mexican wolf population – AP Update (2/6/09) CBD Press Release – Mexican Wolf Breeding Pairs Drop to Two in 2008: Federal Trapping and Shooting Brings Reintroduced Population of Endangered Species to Brink of Collapse ~ be Here is the…
Fewer than 50 now? Gray wolf’s shooting death under investigation. Associated Press. KSWT News This program simply has to undergo great revision by the new leadership at USFWS (this leadership has not yet been announced). Feds: Mexican gray wolf plan needs updating. By Susan Montoya Bryan. Associated Press.
Today is the 35th anniversary of the ESA. Michael J. Robinson wrote the essay below for this forum- Thirty five years ago today, on December 28, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act, intended not just to stave off extinction, but more broadly to conserve the ecosystems on which endangered…
‘Poster Wolf’ Was One of 18 Rare Mexican Wolves Killed Through Capture; Altogether, More Than 2,900 Gray Wolves Killed- Conservation groups are fed up with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service continuing to use the photo of a particular Mexican wolf as their “poster wolf,” after they trapped and accidentally killed her back in 2005.…
The plan from 1982 has failed. Wolf population is low and stagnant- The prominent conservation groups are petitioning under the Administration Procedures Act for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to meet it legal obligations to recovery the Mexican wolf (with a new plan). As David Parsons of the Rewildling Institute has said this has…