Oregon Wolves
Slow progress for Oregon’s wolves Oregon Field Guide recently broadcast a special about Oregon’s wolves and how they are dealing with people and how people are dealing with them. It has been a tough road for the wolves there and many wolves have been killed by the government on behalf of livestock interests and by…
Death is under investigation The radio collared 2-year-old male of the Wenaha Pack has been killed. It is under USFWS investigation which generally means that it was killed illegally. Protected wolf killed in NE Oregon. Associated Press
Oregon wolves and livestock: This is a followup to our earlier story in the Wildlife News. Oregon range rider hired to watch out for wolves, quits. September 17, 2010 Farewell to one of my top five: Wolf range rider. By Cassandra Profita. Ecotrope. Boss says range rider quit for economic reasons. By Cassandra Profita. Ecotrope.
The unique Oregon effort garnered international attention- OPB News · Wolf-Watching Range Rider Quits. Don’t know what really happened here, but the suggestion that the range rider was forced out for not being anti-wolf enough is disturbing. I think it is true that there is social pressure in many rural areas to be anti-wolf. If…
No wolves killed under the permits while they were active Caught-in-act wolf removal permits expire. La Grande Observer
NEPA process could take several months Wildlife Services has agreed to conduct an Environmental Assessment as required by the National Environmental Policy Act. This could take several months and the August 12th hearing would be cancelled. BREAKING: Feds Call Off Oregon Wolf Hunt. Natural Oregon
Oregon Fish and Wildlife hires a rider to keep wolves and livestock apart- This worked in Idaho and Montana back in the days before state wolf management. The states don’t even try. Defenders is still doing something a bit like this in Idaho with the Phantom Hill Pack under the grudging toleration of Idaho Fish…
Photos of pups from Oregon’s first reproducing pack. More photos may be seen here.