Oregon Wolves

  • Two Oregon counties commit $40,000 taxpayer dollars but ranchers want more. Ranchers ask for more subsidies in Oregon and receive taxpayer dollars to kill wildlife. Rather than adapting to a changing circumstance by doing more to proactively protect their livestock from predators they ask for the Federal Government to step in with funding while two…

  • This would be the first “control” of wolves in Oregon. There are only two breeding packs in Oregon, one of them has been implicated in 5 incidents of livestock predation, two wolves are slated to be killed. Kill order placed on Ore. wolves killing livestock Associated Press

  • Oregon Cattlemen’s Association wants to shoot wolves on sight- Wolves: Ranchers deserve to protect their property. By Bill Moore, guest opinion. Oregonian. Oregon Cattlemen’s Association The howls over wolves. By The Oregonian Editorial Board – – – – Why the Cattle Association is worried about sheep is hard to say. As usual they fail to…

  • The collared sub-adult male was traveling with a second smaller wolf near Baker- News Story: Wolf collared, then released, near Baker City. Written by Jayson Jacoby. Baker City Herald. – – – – – – – Oregon Fish and Game News Release. Wolf radio-collared and released in eastern Oregon LA GRANDE, Ore. – A joint…

  • Bill to shoot Oregon wolves has died in Oregon legislature- Wolf bill dead. Written by Ed Merriman. Baker City Herald The Farm Bureau guy said, ““I understand they have a full plate, with the state economy in trouble, but if something isn’t done about the wolf attacks, this could possibly throw Baker County’s economy in…

  • Mike Jimenez’s report on WY wolves and the situation in Oregon- WYOMING/US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WOLF PROGRAM WEEKLY REPORT To:                          Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado From:                     USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY Subject:  Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM WYOMING WOLF WEEKLY- April 13 through April…

  • First confirmed loss of livestock in Oregon has livestock association upset- Although no wolf packs are confirmed yet in Oregon, it looks like at least one is present despite years of reports and illegal shootings of lone wolves. The usual suspects are agitating for the removal of these wolves. Wolves kill 23 lambs on Oregon…

  • All 3 states and the FWS reports available. The annual reports of all three of the recovery states have been released. There is a wealth of information in these reports about various packs. The minimum estimate of wolves in the three states is 1645, a 9% increase over last year. In Idaho there are 846…

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