
  • Upsurge since 2012 brings year end population to 109- The long struggling population of Mexican wolves in Arizona and New Mexico has finally topped the initial (interim) reintroduction goal of 100 wild wolves. At the end of 2014, the official estimate was a minimum of 109 wolves. The population was close to equal between Arizona…

  • Wildlife management reform objective one- Speak for Wolves is an opportunity for the American people to unite and demand wildlife management reform and restore our national heritage. This year’s event is set to take place in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge on August 7-9, 2015 in West Yellowstone, Montana. Here is the first objective in reforming…

  • State Senate Resolution claims wolves increasingly endanger people- LANSING, MI. They just can’t give it up. Despite no wild wolf attacks in Michigan or any other state where wolves have been recently restored, politicians who don’t like them insist people are being increasingly threatened as shown by this story from the Michigan State Senate. The Republican…

  • Should NE Washington wolves be transplanted? B.C. undertakes massive wolf kill to save mountain caribou- Washington wolf relocation? Wolves are on their way to recovery in Washington state, but most of it has been in the state’s Eastern Washington recovery region. There is also a significant population in central Washington (North Cascades zone) where the wolf restoration…

  • Twenty Year Anniversary of Wolf Restoration Gray Wolves Returned January 12, 1995- Twenty years! January 12, 2015, marks the 20-year anniversary of the return of gray wolves to their rightful place and vital role in the Northern Rockies ecosystem!On that fateful date in 1995, eight wolves from Alberta, Canada, arrived in Yellowstone National Park. They…

  • Last year I learned that anti-predator activists were organizing a predator killing derby to take place in Salmon, Idaho – a place smack dab amidst one of the largest and most breathtakingly diverse public landscapes in the country. A few of us infiltrated the event with the aim of exposing the extent of the depravity…

  • About the politics of wolf reintroduction in the Northern Rockies- Jim Yuskavitch begins his book with the story of wolf B45, the first Idaho wolf to venture into Oregon. She (B45) was a first generation offspring of the wolves brought down from British Columbia for release in Idaho in 1996. Most of his examples and descriptions…

  • The three year old had been collared near Cody, Wyoming- Wolves continue to pass through and perhaps live in Utah.  A small three-year old female, weighing 70 pounds, has been shot by a coyote hunter near the southern end of the Tushar Mountains of south central Utah. This was about 5 miles east of the…

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