
  • Washington D.C. At the federal level, there appears to be more crude, heavy-handed politics in the delisting of the gray wolf. Three prominent scientists, experts on wolves, were just cut from the committee at the insistence of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service because they signed a letter with 13 other wolf scientists expressing concern…

  • State’s first wolf hunt will no longer include any trapping- Michigan plans to have its first wolf hunt this fall. It will be in three parts (units) of the state’s Upper Peninsula (the U.P.). The original wolf hunt plan approved included trapping as well as shooting the wolves, but that has now been dropped. Hunt…

  • A new study by Dr. Bill Ripple and his colleagues, “Trophic cascades from wolves to grizzly bears in Yellowstone” in the Journal of Animal Ecology suggests a second way the return of wolves has helped the Yellowstone grizzly bears. Grizzlies have thrived in Yellowstone Park in recent years despite the destruction of the cutthroat trout fishery,…

  • Result is typical split between those who benefit from tourists versus agricultural traditions- With wolf sightings on the decline in Yellowstone, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana as their populations are decimated as a matter of policy, it is hardly a surprise that those who want to see wolves are now beginning to seek out Eastern Oregon…

  • Bozeman, Montana. Last Sunday the Bozeman Chronicle ran an editorial about wolves based on the standard barroom biology that informs so much of the state’s policy on wolf management. Today MSU’s noted wolf biologist, Dr. Scott Creel corrected them on their most fundamental fact, which they got flatout wrong — the wolf population in Montana…

  • Kathie Lynch’s latest report on observations of Yellowstone Park wolves- By Kathie Lynch July 9, 2013 Copyrighted material   A silver fox slips into the forest by the light of the supermoon; river otter pups slide off a grassy log and chirp to their mother for a fish; a bighorn sheep lamb strikes a pose…

  • Below are links to a very large number of stories on the wolf delisting. The list was compiled by Rod Klavins. Numerous people sent them to him. TRCP Press Release: Wolf Delisting a ‘Conservation Success Story’ Drovers Cattle Network: NCBA, PLC call for full delisting of wolves nationwide USFWS: What States are Saying about the Service’s Gray Wolf…

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