
  • A rally honoring the dead from the Idaho 2011-12 hunting season set as the unlimited 2012-13 seasons nears- Surveys show that there are many people, maybe a plurality,  in Idaho who favor wolves.  Some favor a reasonable wolf hunt, which the planned hunt arguably is not. Others are completely opposed to wolf hunting. The Idaho political establishment…

  • Have these wolves really killed any livestock at all? A Washington state rancher near the Canandian border in the territory of the Wedge wolf pack says he has found two more dead calves he thinks were killed by wolves because of the bite marks on their hindquarters. As a result the state indicates they will…

  • A Tale of Two Wolves- By © Kathie Lynch This is the story of two Yellowstone wolves, Lamar Canyon alpha 832F (“The ’06 Female”) and Blacktail disperser 777M. One continues to live an amazing life and one has died a valiant death. Each epitomizes what it means to live life to the fullest, risking all for…

  • One sub-adult female removed from the NE Washington Wedge pack- Wolf numbers are growing slowly in Washington State as they migrate in from intense persecution in Idaho and down from British Columbia.  Due to topography a fair number end up in NE Washington, though a surprising number have not, contrary to early expectations.  There are…

  • Dr. Smith takes makes 17 year retrospective on wolf restoration- There haven’t been as many stories quoting the tall, affable Yellowstone Park wolf manager in the last several years, but on Aug. 2 at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, he give a talk that was covered quite well by the Cody Enterprise. Here…

  • Six of America’s symbolic bird and four wolves fall to poison in vicinity of the Big Prairie Ranger Station- Last May six bald eagles and four wolves were found dead in the general area of the Big Prairie Ranger Station inside the Bob Marshall Wilderness of NW Montana. This is far up the South Fork…

  • Presence of wolves helps survival of pronghorn fawn, normally a major prey item for coyotes- Wolves have a complicated relationship to their prey and to competing carnivores and omnivores such as bears. Simple statements such as every animal a wolf kills is one less for a hunter are fantasy.  In reality wolves can directly or…

  • David Stalling worked for Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for a number of years. For 10 years he was conservation editor of Bugle, their magazine. He was also President for two terms of the Montana Wildlife Federation and presently is a grassroots organizer for Trout Unlimited. In view of the current controversy over the family of…

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