By Kathy Lynch, copyright. June 27, 2012 Summer’s arrival in Yellowstone National Park brought blue skies and hot, windy days, bucking bison calves, prancing pronghorn fawns, and the promise of wolf pups to be seen. The Lamar Canyon Pack, led by famous 6-year-old gray alpha female 832F (formerly “The ’06 Female”) and 4-year-old black alpha…
Mitt and Don up in a tree (stand), . . . A huge, two-page centerfold ad in today’s Bozeman Chronicle by Big Game Forever (biggameforever.org) urges readers to sign a petition to demand predator management and support for H.R. 509 and S. 249, American Big Game and Livestock Protection Act, which would exempt gray wolves…
Jim Halfpenny puts together all his past wolf charts, making a valuable insider’s wolf guide- In 1996 Dr. James Halfpenny and Diann Thompson wrote Discovering Yellowstone Wolves. It described the original wolves brought from Canada and released in Yellowstone National Park. The wolves’ first travels and adventures were chronicled. Discovering Yellowstone Wolves was a must…
Proposed new hunting rules would allow unlimited wolf killing right up to YNP boundary- Public comment could change this- Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks doesn’t think they killed enough wolves in the last hunt. As a result they are proposing hunting rules like Idaho had last year and more — no quotas, electronic wolf calls,…
If the story as told in today’s Billings Gazette is accurate, it is amazing what a little fear of wolves will cause a person to do. A single bark from a wolf is a sound that means it is surprised — startled. As expert wolf trapper and handler Carter Niemeyer tells it (Niemeyer has crawled…
Number of wolves continues to grow in NE Washington- The number of wolves in Washington State is still small. However, two new wolves were just added to the list in NE Washington. There, the Colville Indian Tribal Wolf Team captured and radio collared two relatively small yearling wolves in the Reservation’s backcountry. They were a…
“Lost” puppy picked up by campers was male wolf pup- Students video a “bigfoot” near Pocatello- Most wolf stories from Idaho have lately been negative due to the domination of the political scene by anti-wolf politicians, but there is a heart warming story from Ketchum where campers picked up what they thought was a lost…
There might be an unusual amount of wolf/mountain lion conflict along the Idaho-Montana border- Liz Bradley, a wolf manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has found an unusually high number of wolves killed by cougar in the Bitterroot Mountains near the Montana-Idaho border from Lolo on the north to near the Idaho border on…