
  • There are no ancient breeds of dogs extant- In the last few years there have been several articles tracing the ancestry of dogs back to wild wolves. This may give rise to pet owners thinking their dog is very “wolfy” — nearly a wolf, a bit of the wild on your living room floor or…

  • Todd Wilkinson has written another excellent opinion piece which appears in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. He compares the rhetoric coming from outfitters who complain that wolves are ruining hunting while simultaneously promoting their outfitting services by saying the hunting is better than ever. So who are we to believe – the outfitters who insist wolves…

  • Dr. Franz Camenzind weighs in on wolf hunting and the population reduction it will bring. He asks what kind of country are we to recover a population of an animal only to promptly start killing large numbers of them. Good question. Wolf High: Is It Now All Downhill For Wolf Numbers In The American West?…

  • Less than a year after Flat Top Ranch was awarded $600,000 for a conservation easement – half of which was paid for by a Blaine County levy assessed to protect wildlife –  Flat Top Ranch has run into more conflicts with wolves: Jerome Hansen, supervisor of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region,…

  • Wolf from Park’s most remote pack ends up near Pine Ridge, South Dakota- The third wolf from the Yellowstone Park area over the years to disperse all the way to South Dakota has been found dead.  The big male wolf was hit by an auto along U.S. Highway 18.  Over the last decade two other…

  • I recently attended the wolf hearings held by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission in Helena. The commission is considering initiation of a trapping season, as well as eliminating quotas on the number of wolves that may be killed. The goal is to significantly reduce the state’s wolf population which currently numbers…

  • Carter Niemeyer is on a speaking tour in California. He is giving his usual clear eyed views based on his many years working with ranchers, Wildlife Services, managing the wolves of Idaho for the United States government, and meeting and working with wolf conservationists. He always tries to bring facts and reason to this contentious…

  • Large public turnout. Many opinions. General support for plan about 3 to 2- The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission heard testimony yesterday on their plan to have a longer wolf hunt with no quota and many new ways of killing wolves, including trapping. There will be a quota around Yellowstone Park, however, to prevent…

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