
  • Withdrawal of a cattle association from a wolf restoration program hardly a sign of failure- If we look at the history of land use in the Western United States, we find many different political interests. Some are ideological, some economic, some are both. Historically the various statewide cattle associations and stockgrower associations  have been the…

  • Wolf trapper Josh Bransford hurt Idaho’s image according to The Idaho Statesman- In Sunday’s newspaper there is a strong condemnation, e.g., “His behavior isn’t sporting. It’s sickening. Idahoans will forever disagree about the wolf and its place in the state’s natural order, but all Idahoans should at least be able to speak with one voice…

  • Chairman of the State Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission chair says Montana elk are 22,000 over state objectives- Anti-wolf sentiment seems high in Montana, judging from the media, but mostly from the Republican Party. However, the chairman of Montana FWP Commission, Dr. Robert Ream, once a wolf researcher himself, told Bitterroot Valley residents that the…

  • William D. White, plead guilty to numerous charges relating to poaching several animals and two wolves from Washington’s first documented wolf pack in decades. The wolves were members of the Lookout pack which came from British Columbia on their own to live near Twisp, Washington which is outside of the Northern Rockies DPS. These wolves…

  • Last week I sent a letter to Idaho Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Tony McDermott asking him to explain the assertions he made it the Commission meeting held in Boise on the 21st of March. I have still not heard back from him or anyone else other than a form email from the PR…

  • Testimony heavily against current hunt levels, but commissioners completely reject suggestions- Boise, ID. Wednesday night (March 21) the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Commission met at its headquarters. In attendance were approximately 40 wolf advocates and a handful who were on the opposite side. 39 people testified. Over 30 were against continuing the wolf…

  • This past September my colleagues (S.A. Enzler & A. Treves) and I published an article arguing that the public trust doctrine could provide a legal means to force protection of wolves were state policies found lacking (Bruskotter et al., 30 Sept. 2011, p. 1828). This article prompted two recent replies published by Science last month…

  • Just 9 wolves, one of which is female. It looks bleak- It’s probably the longest study of wolves in history  (since 1958).  The wolf numbers have been up and down along with the moose they eat many times since then. But now with just one female, it clearly looks like the end of the wolves…

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