Wolf Dispersal

  • Can Delisting Occur Without Wyoming? Legislature opts against new wolf rules.Casper Star-Tribune Online – Wyoming The Wyoming legislature has decided not to change its wolf management plan which has not been accepted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For delisting to occur, among other things, Wyoming must submit an acceptable plan to the USFWS.…

  • Some good news from central Wyoming- Wolf sightings rise near Casper. By Wes Smalling Casper Star Tribune. This is deep in Wyoming’s “kill-them-all zone,” but with the wolf relisted, they can’t do it.

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

  • There is now a large wolf pack near Sandpoint, Idaho, right up against the B.C. border. Hopefully they will expand and restore some of wolf popuation around Creston, Rossland and Nelson, B.C. where bad provincial policies have eliminated wolves. Story. Boundary County residents glimpse pack of 14 wolves. By Gwen Albers. Hagadone News Network Note:…

  • The good news has now been confirmed. DNA tests confirm wild gray wolves in Okanogan Co.. Associated Press (as printed in Idaho Statesman). Update: there are 6 pups. So a North Cascades pack of 8 wolves! Update: there are photos in this story. Long-absent wolves denning in Washington. Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

  • Wildlife managers are excited by more evidence of a wolf pack in Washington on the west side of Highway 97 ~ still federally protected. Howls in Okanogan area signal of wolves’ return? Seattle Times

  • Possible gray wolf seen on northern NM ranch. AP. This is on Ted Turner’s huge Vermejo Ranch. A wolf could migrate from Yellowstone this far south.

  • Washington prepares for wolves’ return. The state won’t introduce the animals, but wants to be ready when they arrive. By John Trumbo. Tri-City Herald. One good thing about this plan is that as the wolf population builds up in NE Washington (where they are expected to enter the state), after 5 packs the wolves would…

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