Wolf Dispersal

  •  POST 990 There is no doubt wolves do venture down from Wisconsin to Illinois. They don’t last because of poor habitat, especially because of all the people and agriculture. Dead wolves have have found in Illinois and even crossed the state and made it through most of Indiana, almost to Ohio. Story in the Rockford…

  • Few animals stir up as much emotion and heated debate as gray wolves. In many ways these majestic predators are the symbol of American wilderness, of wild places that have not yet been clear-cut or paved over. They were once common throughout Western America, including Oregon, but a misguided policy of using tax dollars to…

  • The northern range Yellowstone wolf packs are increasing fighting and killing each other according to this article in the Jackson Hole News and Guide.  If you compare the 2005 and 2006 statistics on Park wolves, you may be astonished to see that the natural death and out-migration of adult wolves from the Park has been…

  • Here we have the slides from an IDFG  powerpoint presentation given by Steve Nadeau – IDFG’s large carnivore manager.  The presentation lays out data regarding wolf numbers, distribution throughout the state, and some basic tidbits which may help to better understand how Idaho intends to manage wolves. The presentation illustrates the intention to split up the state into management ‘Zones’ based on biological and ‘sociological’ concerns which will justify…

  • This story is from the Spokane Spokesman Review.  Was there extra security at the other delisting meetings. Link to “Extra Security Planned.”  By James Hagengruber. Note: the Spokesman Review  is a link unfriendly newspaper. Hope the link above continues to work, at least for a while.

  • On Jan. 17, I posted my story on the death of Idaho wolf B7M. Today Rocky Barker at the Idaho Statesman wrote a long feature article tying this very long-lived wolf (the oldest yet?) into the Idaho wolf recovery story. It is an amazing story! The long life of one wolf embodies the story of…

  • This article is from the Casper Star Tribune. By Jared Miller. Giving the standoff between the USFWS and Wyoming, the current wolf situation with the federal government continuing to do all the wolf management in most of NW Wyoming, and Wyoming yelling about wolves and the federal government, could go on indefinitely. Wyoming’s political oligarchy…

  • Technically there aren’t any wolves in Utah, although there really are probably a few in northern Utah. Nevertheless, Northern Utah was included in the Northern Rockies wolf delisting. So was Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington. All these places would highly likely to see wolf in-migration. I can see only one reason for this — it’s…

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