Wolf Hunt
Media help arrives from a big gun- A lot of people said Idaho Fish and Game Commission really screwed up when they extended the wolf hunt. Rumor is that Ed Bangs got bald tearing his hair out after learning about Idaho’s gift to anti-delisting groups. “. .. when protections were lifted earlier this year in…
Is there an explanation for this in the middle of the scheduled wolf hunt? Right in the middle of the wolf hunt and in the zone where there is the highest quota, Wildlife Services took to the air this week in their gunships and blasted away the long-standing Basin Butte Pack at Stanley, Idaho. This…
The Missoulian reflects on the first wolf hunt in Montana. It is now over- Learning from first wolf hunt. Mssoulian editorial. Posted: Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:00 am The Missoulian finds lessons to be learned by Montana FWP such as “wolves that are causing no problems with people – such as those in national parks…
Commission votes to extend the hunt through all of the winter into the spring !! Zones will have to reach quota before being closed. The three closed zones won’t be reopened. Idaho Fish and Game extends wolf hunting season. Idaho Statesman staff. Interestingly, not-wolf-friendly Magic Valley Times News just had an editorial asking them not…
Dworshak-Elk City zone closed as 18 tags are filled. Idaho wolf hunt status information.
Scientific survey shows thumbs up for Schweitzer, Tester, Rehberg; big drop for Baucus- Story in the Missoulian. Baucus’ approval rating among Montanans drops by 20 percent. By Matt Gouras. Associated Press In any survey, it is good to look at the actual questions. Here are the full survey results.
Quota of 75 will be reached- Updated Montana wolf hunt ends today. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. It looks to me like wolf hunting has been easier in Montana than Idaho. Although over 100 wolves have now been killed in Idaho, Idaho’s hunt began earlier and goes longer. Idaho also has about 50% more wolves…
Quota of 2 wolves has been reached in North Fork of Flathead area- The quota was only two, but three wolves were poached in the during the hunt. Story: Wolf hunt closed west of Glacier. Missoulian.