Wolf Hunt
The first of Idaho’s only, sort of, semi-protected only by private money, wolf pack is shot in the wolf hunt- Lynne Stone reported this earlier in a comment Phantom Hill wolf killed. 29 33 wolves shot in Idaho this season. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. Protecting this locally popular wolf pack has…
A premature NYT article about the Idaho wolf hunt had made it appear the hardly any wolves were being killed, now a different view from Montana- Actually it is still too early to know if the states’ wolf “harvest” quotas will be meet, although the sudden jump in Idaho numbers as general elk season opened…
So far 15 have been killed- Here is the story with a local angle from the Idaho Mountain Express. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. With colder weather and more elk hunts open too, the pace of the wolf hunt will probably pick up.
Wolf was shot north of Yellowstone Park- First wolf hunt kill recorded. By Eve Byron Helena Independent Record Few details are available on-line so far.
Article on what do you do with a wolf you shoot this time of year- Hunters not obligated to eat wolf kills. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian.
Hunt will begin in four Montana Wilderness Areas and two more Idaho areas- Although the Idaho wolf hunt has got all the attention, Montana’s hunt begins on a limited basis Sept. 15. It will be in the Bob Marshall complex of Wilderness areas and the Beartooth Wilderness immediately north of Yellowstone Park. Idaho’s hunt is…
Wolf expert trapper, shooter, advocate, manager Carter Niemeyer writes special essay for this blog- How many wolves will hunters kill in Idaho in the upcoming wolf season? Copyright © Carter Niemeyer We can all speculate on the number of wolves that hunters may kill if a wolf hunting season happens in Idaho, but the outcome…
Hunter reportedly shot the wolf from the road Eagle man cited for poaching a wolf outside a designated hunting zone Idaho Statesman