Wolf Hunt

  • Quota of three wolves is filled- Montana wolf hunters have killed the small quota of just 3 wolves immediately north of Yellowstone Park, so the wolf hunt there is now closed. It is subunit 313-316 of wolf management unit 390. The quota next to the Park was set low because it is bad public relations…

  • Hunting Wolves In Montana – Where Are The Data? Jay Mallonee says Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks annual wolf report clearly shows defective math. The story about his paper “Hunting Wolves In Montana – Where Are The Data?” came out in the Missoulian. I received a copy of his paper. Mallonee told me…

  • The attached article details what many of us advocate on this blog, a more equal representation in wildlife management – especially with regards to wolves. However, because we published this article in the Journal of Wildlife Management (JWM) we had to be careful with our wording and ended up removing certain sections like on Public…

  • The resumption of wolf-hunts in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming illustrates why citizens must continue to oppose such unnecessary and senseless slaughters. The wolf-hunts are predicated upon morally corrupt and inaccurate assumptions about wolf behavior and impacts that are not supported by recent scientific research.  State wildlife agencies pander to the lowest common denominator in the…

  • Includes trapping season in most of the Panhandle. Idaho Fish and Game has proposed to set wolf hunting seasons throughout most of the state ranging from August 30, 2011 to March 31, 2012, in 13 wolf management zones. None of the zones – except for the Sawtooth, Southern Mountains, Beaverhead, and Island Park zones –…

  • Anti-Wolfer’s Success In An End-Run Delisting of Wolves MUST Ultimately Backfire George Wuerthner wrote this now apt essay over a year ago, published in New West last September, suggesting that should anti-wolf interests succeed in delisting wolves and fail to exercise restraint in killing wolves that it would ultimately backfire. Wolf Restoration is a Challenge…

  • No Montana “conservation hunt” on wolves- It looks like the USFWS saw through Montana’s notion of having a sport hunt on wolves under the guise of a “conservation hunt”. They said no. Montana – Permission Denied to Hunt Gray Wolves. Associated Press in the New York Times Longer version: Federal officials deny Montana request to…

  • Idaho and Montana have submitted proposals to the US Fish and Wildlife Service for approval to kill up to 186 wolves in Montana and up to 80% of the estimated 76 wolves in Idaho’s Lolo hunting zones. Here is the IDFG proposal: IDFG proposes an adaptive strategy to reduce the wolf population in the Lolo…

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