Wolf Hunt

  • Proposed Montana wolf hunt, now on hold, would have significantly reduced state’s wolf population- Scientists: Wolf Hunts More Deadly Than Previously Thought. By Virginia Morell. Science Insider. Link is now fixed! Here is the actual scientific paper. Meta-Analysis of Relationships between Human Offtake, Total Mortality and Population Dynamics of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus). By Scott…

  • Delisting could take years Even if the states win an appeal of Malloy’s wolf decision it may take years before the other issues in the case are resolved. The legislatures of the respective states have only committed to maintaing a population of 300 wolves total. Regardless of the commitment of the game agencies the legislatures…

  • …..and GUT the Endangered Species Act. The details of the overreach. The States are asking their congressional delegations to GUT the Endangered Species Act by changing the language of the Act so that it would allow species to be delisted based on state boundaries. In other words, it would allow the USFWS to use arbitrary,…

  • My personal opinion is that moderate groups could sit down and work out a new wolf delisting plan. Of course, this would require the state governments to change their wolf management plans if they want to participate in wolf management. Unfortunately, state politicians are probably not among moderates, especially with an election coming up. Questions…

  • A couple of years ago, Steve Nadeau answered a question I had about the impact that a public hunt would have to wolf populations.  At that time, as the state was posturing for “competent manager” status, Nadeau spent much effort trying to reassure advocates that state managers had a good idea what effect a hunt…

  • Increased quotas, trapping, snaring, and electronic calls are being considered. If you want your voice to be heard this is your opportunity. Don’t be intimidated and speak your mind. F&G Commission To Meet In Idaho Falls In August The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet August 16 in Idaho Falls. Commissioners will consider proposed…

  • Inexperienced trappers will likely trap pets and other non-target animals. Backlash will ensue I think people should be prepared for many non-target animals to be taken with snares and traps including pets. It takes years and years for government employees to learn how to properly trap and snare wolves without taking non-target species and there…

  • 186 allowed to be taken in an attempt to reduce MT wolf population to between 411 and 488. This has been in the news for a while but we didn’t report it here because we all have been traveling. Montana wants to reduce the population of wolves to between 411 and 488. They have decided…

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