Wolves and Livestock

  • YNP Park wolves are down another 6 % this year, but there was a 12% increase outside the Park in ’09- Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch. There are 4 full-time packs in Jackson Hole and one part-time pack. The year’s population results appear to be a small increase in…

  • Vicious beasts kill 2 goats and 3 or 4 guard dogs over a year’s time- I saw this story Dec. 8, but it said the Mitchell Mountain Pack had over the space of several years killed two goats and a guard dog here and there at the “Sieben Ranch.” I just figured that was a…

  • Here is the longer story from the Mountain Express about the killing of the Basin Butte Pack near Stanley. Livestock do not winter in the Sawtooth Valley so there was no imminent danger of livestock losses. This was a revenge killing. On public lands allotments there are no mandatory terms and conditions requiring livestock permittees…

  • About the shooting of the Basin Butte Pack. Todd Grimm from Wildlife Services and Suzanne Stone from Defenders of Wildlife were interviewed for a segment on BSU Radio. “One of the main concerns we had is that a hunter may take a collared wolf from this pack. If that happened we would no longer be…

  • There are numerous items. The largest goes for complicated land transactions near the Blackfoot River- One of the items we need to find more about is Jon Tester’s addition of $1-million to pay livestock owners for livestock killed for wolves. It also provides funds for  projects keeping wolves away from livestock. The later could be…

  • Plan contemplates a possible large state wolf population- Plan contemplates floor of 15 breeding pairs. Wolves to be distributed all around the state. AP The preferred alternative sounds like an advanced plan with a much better distribution pattern of wolves than we find in Idaho, and especially better than Montana or Wyoming. Currently the state…

  • Landing helicopters in wilderness violates the Wilderness Act This article contains more information about something I posted a while back. I don’t think the rational behind this plan is to kill wolves inside the wilderness but rather to document the minimum number of 150 wolves the state thinks is required so that they can kill…

  • Idaho Department of Game declines to prosecute. Aerial gunning of wolves by private individuals is strictly forbidden under the Airborne Hunting Act of 1956. Even though states are allowed to issue permits to individuals to shoot coyotes and foxes from aircraft there are no permits which allow the shooting of wolves. In Idaho, the Idaho…

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