Wolves and Livestock

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

  • Little discussed amendment to bill would pay livestock owners for losses, but also give grants to be proactive and use non-lethal measures- Livestock operators are always getting new subsidies from the government, but this amendment could be positive because it is more than just paying people for their losses to wolves. It also provides grants…

  • If this is as bad as it gets, wolves are not much of a problem- Over a number of months a pair or wolves killed $5-6 thousand worth of sheep and goats owned by farmer near Reeds Point, Montana. The story is mostly interesting because it was so hard for Wildlife Services to get these…

  • George Wuerthner wrote a letter to the editor making a great point about the double-standard regarding livestock/wolf conflicts – especially on public lands : In our national parks it’s illegal to leave out picnic baskets because it will lead to human-bear conflicts. To save bears, humans are fined if they fail to put away food.…

  • Fortunately the Hog Heaven Pack’s slaughter is not going away. You can bet more of this is planned- Killing of Pack Draws Cries of Protest. By Jim Mann. Northwest Montana Daily InterLake. In the article, it reads “Laudon [of MT Fish, Wildlife, Parks] said he can imagine what it would be like if the state…

  • Montana FWP oversees wiping out a pack of 27 wolves- Wildlife Services has killed 19 members of the Hog Heaven Pack over a three day period. The news reports said the pack originally had 27 members. Now it is gone. This is 8 per cent of Montana’s wolves for scattered killings over the year. I’ve…

  • Claim is that more are killed than reported- Yes, and given Wildlife Services’ seeming intent to reduce wolf populations by control after “depredations”, it seems just as likely the depredation figures are inflated. At any rate, the cost is small. Many people as individuals have lost far more in the decline of their retirement funds,…

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

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