Wolves and Livestock

  • Under Idaho’s you-can-shoot-a-wolf-for-worrying-your-cow-dog-or-whatever law, Idaho Fish and Game has ruled that 2 of 3 shootings were justified. It says a third is still under investigation. Story. According to rumors in Stanley, the third was a shooting of a Basin Butte wolf that came down to where the pack regularly hunted ground squirrels only to find…

  • Benjamin Tuggle, Southwest regional director of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has published an Op-Ed in the Arizona Republic: Wolf recovery can succeed The Op-Ed is released, likely to smooth things over, amidst recent controversy in response to inaction on the part of FWS including at least 2 lawsuits and a recent poll demonstrating…

  • Phantom Hill Pack wolf project off to a dramatic start. Idaho Mountain Express. “Last minute reroute of sheep band helps avert ‘train wreck’ Moving a sheep herd onto a pack’s rendezvous site almost always results in dead sheep.

  • Project seeks peace among sheep and wolves. Diverse group says collaboration could be a model for other wolf-occupied areas. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. This high profile project is a semi-official attempt to keep both sheep and the very popular Phantom Hill wolf pack alive. The pack’s territory is mostly in the…

  • The Times-News covers an Idaho Department of Fish & Game open house on the upcoming wolf hunt. Unlike the meeting in Boise, an area that enjoys wolf support, it appears that the Jerome meeting was attended by many of the commissioners themselves. Additionally, unlike in Boise, it appears that the public was given the opportunity…

  • For Immediate Release, May 16, 2008 Contacts:        Michael Robinson, (575) 534-0360 Stephen Capra, (505) 843-8696 Greta Anderson, (520) 623-1878 Wolf Managers Turn Down Governor and Scientists on Wolf Rule, 17 Conservation Groups Write to Oppose Anti-Wolf Policy SILVER CITY, N.M.— This week, the interagency Mexican wolf reintroduction team refused New Mexico governor Bill Richardson’s request…

  • Good News ! With the rest of the state of Idaho focused primarily on lethal measures of ‘control’ for wolves, Blaine County has decided to take initiative and work with federal managers who have proposed to study the success of non-lethal methods of reducing conflict between wolves and livestock – the county is going so…

  • From what I understand, agencies discourage the photography of permitted ‘control’ actions – especially among private individuals permitted to kill the predators. As we see here and from what we have seen in the past, it appears that sometimes folk just can’t help themselves. WWPblog has posted these photos of a wolf apparently legally killed…

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