Wolves and Livestock

  • I hadn’t seen one of these before, except a hard copy many years ago before wolves were restored to Idaho. Then it was a general report on control of all “harmful” animals. It’s fascinating to me. Everyone will view it differently. My view is all this effort over such a trivial loss of livestock (except…

  • This is a great story, emphasizing the positive changes for wolves in Idaho since they were reintroduced, but of particular interest it tells about one of our regular posters, Lynne Stone, a women who really does run with wolves, or at least after them — her efforts to keep them alive by keeping them out…

  • Confirmed wolf predations decline. Wolf Management in Wyoming. By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online! Confirmed livestock losses to wolves dropped by over 55% from 2006. 55 cattle (mostly calves) and 16 sheep we confirmed lost to wolves. For this 60 wolves were shot, mostly by Wildlife Services. Of course there were some livestock killed, but not…

  • Idaho state legislators just don’t believe the numbers on wolves and big game and they’re more than willing to be loud about it. Wolf population grows F&G director briefs lawmakers on species By Jared S. Hopkins Times-News This is the kind of political pressure and anecdotal hearsay  that makes the state not ready for delisting.

  • On National Public Radio, this is mostly audio, Government Revisits Contested [Mexican] Wolf Recovery Plan. By Ted Robbins. For those who like it by ear, this is an overview of the current controversy, government efforts for a better plan, and the incipient failure of the Mexican wolf restoration.

  • Many folks will like to read this, find a lot of good information and see how thoroughly political, rather than scientific the plan is. There is great information placing wolf caused livestock mortality into context with other kinds of losses. The due date for comments was Dec. 31, 2007. This  is an 8 page pdf…

  • This is exactly what I think needs to be said. Finally someone realized that preventing extinction of this small wolf is more important than the cows, whose owners lose little if anything. Let wolves prosper. Editorial. Arizona Republic.

  • I didn’t write a report on all of the wolf population management plan meetings. I didn’t get news about some of them. These are Idaho Statesman reporter Rocky Barker’s impressions on the Boise meeting where wolf supporters predominated. More laughter than anger at Fish and Game wolf meeting. It is absolutely true that the wolf…

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