Wolves and Livestock

  • Montana legislature is thinking of setting up a Montana wolf compensation board. All verified losses so far have been covered by Defenders of Wildlife privately. They suggest allocating $200,000. That’s probably about twice what they will need a year (unless that includes administration). Meanwhile, Defenders continues to compensate. My view is that they should stop…

  • I would urge everyone with a conservation related web page to link to this website which just went up. Idaho Wolves Myths and Facts. I think it pretty much destroys all of the mythology being propagated.

  • Yes, they are killing more wolves after livestock attacks. This will not reduce the wolf population unless, other things being unchanged, the mortality rate reaches 30 to 40% a year. A more significant question is “does this do any good and is it cost-effective?” Does it make economic sense to call out the Wildlife Services…

  • This is the second wolf population estimate this year. The official final figures will be released about next March or April 2006. The estimate is for wolves in the 3-state Northern Rockies “experimental, non-essential” wolf population area. That means Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park is mostly in Wyoming, but part is in Montana…

  • The Donahue Pack has been a small wolf pack in the vicinity of Paradise Valley. It formed a couple years ago. The pack has long been beset by mange, and seems to have been down to its alpha pair when they were shot after two incidents of killing large cow calves in Paradise Valley. They…

  • —————————— “Wolves killing sheep, cattle by the dozens near Council” That was the story blared on KTVB television in Boise. Here is that story. However, there have been NO new depredations in the Blue Bunch pack area since July and then it was only a few sheep kills, not a mass slaughter. Suzanne Stone of…

  • Some folks thought it was a wolf hybrid, some thought a wolf. It has been preying on sheep in NE Montana for over a year. It turned out to be a wolf, way out on the Montana plains. There is no evidence that other wolves are in the area. The wolf was a bit more…

  • Rob Edward and Wendy Keefover-Ring wrote this as a guest editorial in the Denver Post after the Post wrote one of the innumerable “Third-generation-Wyoming-rancher- Smith-lifted-his-craggy,-windswept-face genre stories-

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