Wolves and Livestock

  • At a time when too often the federal agency Wildlife Services goes out and kills some wolves after a livestock depredation, Defenders of Wildlife reports success in stopped all the killing. Wildlife Services often gets authorized for a ten thousand dollar wolf killing operation for a couple dead sheep (but, hey it’s the American taxpayer…

  • 3 wolves killed in Madison Valley. By Billings Gazette News Services. This is actually the second control action on the Wedge Pack this year. In both cases it has been on the Sun Ranch which is at the base of the Madison Range. The Sun Ranch has been extremely innovative and wildlife and wolf-friendly, so…

  • Anatomy of a Wolf Attack. To retaliate or not to retaliate? The question makes bedfellows of traditional foes. By Carissa Wolf. The Boise Weekly. This is a very long and thoughtful discussion over the growing effort in Idaho (certainly not Wyoming) between wolf advocates and livestock growers, trying to prevent wolf attacks on livestock and…

  • I missed this article in the Billings Gazette. Fortunately the Western Watersheds Project picked it up. The facts are important because almost everyone, including some of the wolf project managers, had predicted that livestock predation would increase faster than the wolf population as wolves moved to less desirable habitat. Read WWP story.

  • Today Ed Bangs sent out a list of recent Idaho wolf-caused “depredations” Here is what he wrote. “On the 10th, ID WS confirmed that wolves from the Timberline/Wangdoodle Pack killed 1 ewe on a Boise National Forest grazing allotment on Rock Creek, north of Idaho City. Another ewe and a guard dog had also been…

  • The story how the new Lick Creek wolf pack killed 34 sheep (25 lambs, 9 ewes) is a bit old now. The media have covered it (many newspapers and some TV), but now Idaho Fish and Game has a news release on the event, and second event that didn’t seem to be worthy of news…

  • Sublette County, WY — Pinedale, Cora, Boulder, Daniel, Big Piney — is the biggest wolf death black hole in the West. This formerly scenic area in the upper Green River, now with polluted air and and wide open spaces ripped up by the natural gas drillers, has seen the death of 14 wolves this year.…

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