Wolves and Livestock

  • From Mark Collinge “The attached report summarizes information regarding wolf management activities conducted by the Idaho Wildlife Services (WS) program in Federal fiscal year 2009, covering the period from October1, 2008 – September 30, 2009. If you have questions regarding any of the information in this report, please contact the Idaho WS State Office.” ID…

  • There might be a backlash, but it is doubtful related to a spike in wolf attacks on livestock- Matthew Brown from AP wrote this story. It has some good facts in it and a lot of wild anger from livestock owners. I think what sparks backlashes are not the number of livestock killed. It is…

  • ~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…

  • Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report. USFWS- I notice livestock predation by wolves in Wyoming in 2009 was really trivial. Of the dead sheep, which was up in ’09, “three packs (Big Horn, Black Butte, and Dog Creek) were responsible for all of the195 confirmed sheep depredations. The Big Horn Pack consisted of 3 adults…

  • Alpha female’s body retrieved Last week I received a fundraising email from Living With Wolves, a 501c3 non-profit group run by Jim and Jamie Dutcher, who’s mission is “dedicated to raising awareness about the social nature of wolves, their importance to healthy ecosystems, threats to their survival and the essential actions people can take to…

  • Majority have been killed for livestock losses- Despite controversy over the wolf hunt, about 60% of those killed were because the wolves killed livestock, usually just one or two animals. The large majority of the livestock retribution killing was done by Wildlife Services, not by the owners of the livestock.  I would like to see…

  • Up to 22 wolves could be killed in Montana “Carolyn Sime with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks says it is unusual to have so many livestock attacks this late in the year.” This couldn’t be what happens when you disrupt pack structure with a hunt could it? These questions need to be asked of wolf…

  • Idaho Fish and Game lists the facts behind the kill order- There are a small number of livestock owners that run most of the cattle in the Stanley area, and not surprisingly it was because of losses of their cattle. All told, ten wolves were shot in the Basin Butte Pack over the course of…

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