Wolves and Prey

  • “Wolves are causing a variety of problems on state elk feedgrounds, from spooking the elk and causing them to move from one area to another to killing work animals,” the Wyoming Game and Fish Department said. From Billings Gazette News Services. Read Article. The entire premise of the article is wrong. There should not be…

  • This should be so obvious, but I has finally dawned on me that many elk hunters think that those who have supported the wolf restoration, hate elk, or at best are indifferent to elk. Because wolves eat elk, deer, moose, etc. it should be obvious that wolf supporters have a great interest in the health…

  • Mike-S sent me a number of photos of killed elk, also a deer buck, and a bighorn ram. There were several other photos of the same event, taken from different angles and some others too small I thought to tell much at all. I didn’t put these up. I created a special web page for…

  • The annual count of elk on Yellowstone’s northern range is in. It remains low compared to years past, but is about the same as a year ago — 6,738 elk compared to about 6600 in the last count, 9 months ago. The Northern Range herd has always been controversial with its numbers called wildly excessive…

  • I would urge everyone with a conservation related web page to link to this website which just went up. Idaho Wolves Myths and Facts. I think it pretty much destroys all of the mythology being propagated.

  • This is just in from the Denver Post. Effort to save cattle begins. By Steven K. Paulson. The Associated PressIn October 1997 a Colorado blizzard killed 26,000 head of cattle. It cost the owners over $28 million dollars. I said at the time, it would be a one week story. It was. Now something similiar…

  • The article is in today’s Jackson Hole Star-Tribune. The Game and Fish Commission had a big meeting in Sundance, Wyoming, Thursday and they commanded all the wolf biologists to attend. Read the first three paragraphs of the story about the meeting. In them “G&F Chief” Terry Cleveland contradicts himself three times. P1. He says so…

  • They can’t delist wolves until Wyoming agrees to come up with an acceptable wolf management plan, and that’s not going to happen. Therefore, both Idaho and Montana are asking Interior Secretary Kempthorne to issue a special two state delisting. Because Idaho already has full day-to-day management authority already except to reduce wolves because they think…

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