Wolves and Prey

  • An in-depth look at new research Top predators such as wolves, lions, and jaguars play very important roles in the ecology. From control of mesopredators like coyotes and hyenas to control of ungulate populations and how they use the land. Why top predators matter: an in-depth look at new research Jeremy Hance mongabay.com

  • Bill includes funding to reimburse for wolf kills, but may also contain money for proactive measures- From what I’ve read, this sounds pretty good to me for wildlife and outdoors in Montana. Great Falls Tribune.

  • Strong evidence that aspen groves are becoming healthier with presence of wolves. Healthier aspen groves support more bird species, which may in turn help the overall health of forests. One thing mentioned in the article is that the pine beetle infestations seen throughout the west could be impacted with greater diversity and larger populations of…

  • Landing helicopters in wilderness violates the Wilderness Act This article contains more information about something I posted a while back. I don’t think the rational behind this plan is to kill wolves inside the wilderness but rather to document the minimum number of 150 wolves the state thinks is required so that they can kill…

  • Multiyear Montana study shows the relationships between elk and wolves are not simple- FWP study finds multiple factors in wolf-elk relations. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian Nowhere are data adequate to ‘scientifically’ assign cause(s) for any declines that may occur,” author-biologists Kenneth Hamlin and Julie Cunningham wrote in their conclusion.” However, this conclusion certainly does not…

  • Wolf poop is gold for a variety of studies of wolves- Yellowstone study collects, examines wolf scat for clues. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This time tested activity was partly replaced by radio collar-based research, but with the development of sophisticated DNA and hormone analysis, it now has new importance.

  • Survey of non-resident hunters shows perception of wolf impact biggest factor in not buying elk tags- As early as nine years ago, Idaho elk outfitters begin to tell the world that wolves had killed almost all the elk in the state. For the last two years Idaho Fish and Game Department honchos have joined in.…

  • Wolves have been absent from Scotland for more than 250 years In an effort to change the behavior of red deer in Scotland so that the ecosystem can recover from their overgrazing, researchers are recommending wolf reintroduction to an island or major fenced area to see how the land, vegetation and other inhabitants respond. Wolf…

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