Wolves and Prey

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

  • Weather plays biggest role in elk populations Idaho mulls shorter elk hunting season Associated Press “Hunters have blamed growing numbers of wolves. Hayden acknowledged that wolves are a factor, but he said the winter of 2007-08, which was colder and longer than normal, was the primary reason for the low calf numbers.”

  • Officials will seek federal permission to kill wolves to protect Clearwater elk herd- Story by Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The story says this will be a multi-year effort because new wolves will quickly move in to replace the wolves killed. This raises the question, why would this happen if wolves have killed…

  • They’ve been saying the same thing for years. How many times can elk be wiped out and their numbers stay generally the same? 😉 Wolves in the sights: Hunters complain predators are wiping out elk. By Michael Jamison of the Missoulian

  • Anywhere from 104 to 120 wolves will be killed in the first year under the weakened 10(j) rule. The current version of the 10(j) rule reduces the burden of proof on wildlife managers so they don’t have to demonstrate that wolves are THE MAJOR cause of elk declines. Wildlife Services is also seeking permission to…

  • Finally, a real study, and released to the public- Not surprisingly (to me anyway) the effect of wolves on elk populations varies by area and presence of other predators such as grizzly bears. In addition hunters affect elk more than wolves. When considering wolves and ungulates alone, I take this report to be generally quite…

  • Plan is out in the open- Although they wanted to just do a quick kill, under the 10j rules Idaho can kill off wolves in an area if wolves are making it so that ID F and G objectives aren’t being meet. They have to perform a ritual first, however.  A delisted population could have…

  • Bishop, below responded to Montana State Sen. Joe Balyeat who has proposed legislation cut off relations between Montana and the federal government on wolves. – – – – – – Sen. Joe Balyeat [Bozeman Chronicle Dec. 30] proposes legislation to sever Montana’s ties with federal agencies on wolf management. He fears that allowing the wolf…

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