Wolves and Prey

  • This has never been observed before. Story. Elusive wolves caught on camera. (bad link fixed) By Rebecca Morelle. Science reporter, BBC News. This an interesting story about Arctic wolves on Ellesmere Island. One sentence bothers me — “The team was also amazed by the wolves’ boldness.” When wolves don’t run but come and examine something…

  • Aerial hunt clash goes underground. Ads from conservation group back proposed federal prohibition. By Erika Bolstad. “Alaskans voted twice to ban aerial hunting, and the vote has been overturned twice,” said Jessica Brand, a spokeswoman for the Washington, D.C.-based Defenders of Wildlife. “The only way to end this once and for all is to close…

  • Elk, deer survival high despite prowling wolves. Idaho’s increasing wolf population doesn’t appear to be hurting other wildlife. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. “Elk and deer survival remains high despite the growing wolf population in Idaho.’ Barker’s story is old news. This has been reported time after time, but it is in the Idaho Statesman…

  • The supposed highly negative effect of wolves on the elk populations in the upper Clearwater River area of North Central Idaho has long been a talking point by Idaho Fish and Game and a number of local hunting organizations and public officials. I predicted wolves would be blamed when the elk population dropped off in…

  • Drought is wolves’ ally in hunt for park elk. Lack of precipitation is a big factor in Yellowstone’s declining wapiti numbers. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. “The range [condition] in Yellowstone going into this winter is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Smith said.

  • Many folks will like to read this, find a lot of good information and see how thoroughly political, rather than scientific the plan is. There is great information placing wolf caused livestock mortality into context with other kinds of losses. The due date for comments was Dec. 31, 2007. This  is an 8 page pdf…

  • Idaho elk, deer survival rate high despite growing wolf population. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. The survival rate for radio collared deer and elk females was over 85% and it increased in 2007 over 2006 despite the growing wolf population. Update: The same piece, with some editing and anecdote the day after. Elk, deer survival…

  • Dubois hunters split on losses to wolves. AP. This article says “Charles Kay, a Utah researcher who specializes in wildlife ecology, said there have been no comprehensive studies of how wolves impact big game because such a study would be complex, time-consuming and costly.” In fact there have been many studies, although Kay may not…

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