Wyoming Wolves

  • Wyoming groups sue, challenging delisting plan for leaving Wyoming out. Wyoming Stock Growers Association, Wyoming Wool Growers Association, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Wyoming, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, and the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and others have asked to join the lawsuit asking that Wyoming be included in the wolf delisting plan. Wyoming’s wolf…

  • Some of us hoped that they had second thoughts. Here it is in the Federal Register. (Updated link for Northern Rockies Wolves) Federal Register Link for Great Lakes Wolves

  • All 3 states and the FWS reports available. The annual reports of all three of the recovery states have been released. There is a wealth of information in these reports about various packs. The minimum estimate of wolves in the three states is 1645, a 9% increase over last year. In Idaho there are 846…

  • Good news. Lack of feeding has kept wolves from keying on the feedlots- In general not feeding is good regardless of wolves- It is good news when elk don’t have to be, or simply are not fed. Mike Jimenez, wolf coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said recently that wolves appear to not…

  • However it is only up to 11 of about 50-55 wolves that now inhabit Jackson Hole- Federal wolf manager for Wyoming, Mike Jimenez, says the Antelope Pack, which inhabits the central area of Jackson Hole has contracted mange. On various days as many as 4 additional wolf packs can be in or very near Jackson…

  • Are these people serious? A cow would have to dig up a den to contract brucellosis from a wolf. This is ridiculous. Wyoming lawmakers want to test wolves for brucellosis By MATT JOYCE Of The Associated Press

  • Can Delisting Occur Without Wyoming? Legislature opts against new wolf rules.Casper Star-Tribune Online – Wyoming The Wyoming legislature has decided not to change its wolf management plan which has not been accepted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For delisting to occur, among other things, Wyoming must submit an acceptable plan to the USFWS.…

  • NW Montana wolf shows up in Southeast Idaho too. Idaho wolf B-271M, which was born to the Steel Mountain Pack, has shown up again west of Cody, WY after disappearing from Yellowstone’s wolf watchers last summer. Will he form a successful pack? Also, there is a wolf from NW Montana in Southeast Idaho which is…

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