Wyoming Wolves

  • In a state overrun with disease spreading feedlots for wintertime elk feeding, we would think Wyoming doesn’t need more, but they seem to be slowly establishing yet a new one. This is in the Buffalo Valley, a very sensitive spot from standpoint of wildlife and Grand Teton National Park. The Buffalo Valley is a scenic,…

  • Confirmed wolf predations decline. Wolf Management in Wyoming. By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online! Confirmed livestock losses to wolves dropped by over 55% from 2006. 55 cattle (mostly calves) and 16 sheep we confirmed lost to wolves. For this 60 wolves were shot, mostly by Wildlife Services. Of course there were some livestock killed, but not…

  • State wolf rules go to public. By CHRIS MERRILL. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. Of course Wyoming’s wolf plan is terrible and will result in the elimination of most packs except those inside Yellowstone Park. This would only happen under the Bush Administration. They will be shooting wolves because the wolves will come to their disease-spreading…

  • The story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide says “hunting regulations,” but they didn’t in fact set hunting regulations. Wyoming drafts wolf hunting regulations. By Cory Hatch.

  • There have been a number of stories on this. Here is the view of Earth Justice, who might possibly represent any litigants of the killing plan. Many Wyoming politicians have long tried to confine nature to Yellowstone Park, and they are succeeding, and the rest of the wide open spaces are being industrialized for oil,…

  • Pinedale provides cautionary tale for Colorado communities. By Gargi Chakrabarty, Rocky Mountain News. One thing the article doesn’t mention is that when all these gas leases were let and plans made was that the attention of the keepers of the local traditions was diverted by talk about “the menace” of the 2 or 3 wolf…

  • Dubois hunters split on losses to wolves. AP. This article says “Charles Kay, a Utah researcher who specializes in wildlife ecology, said there have been no comprehensive studies of how wolves impact big game because such a study would be complex, time-consuming and costly.” In fact there have been many studies, although Kay may not…

  • The wheels greased for its acceptance by the Bush Administration, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission met in Thermopolis, Wyoming and passed the much criticized Wyoming state wolf management plan, which is bad for wolves in almost every way. Only two conservationists testified, Franz Camenzind of the Jackson Hole Alliance and Lisa Upson of the…

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