Wyoming Wolves

  • It is said all the time that Yellowstone Park is a source of wolves — wolves don’t migrate into the Park, only out of it. This has been demonstrated to be true . . . almost. Last spring Dr. Doug Smith spotted a new wolf in the Slough Creek Pack. After a while, and I’m…

  • CST had opined that because in the public comments, opposition to the Wyoming wolf plan was general, this showed that because no one was pleased compromised had been struck. This letter disagrees. Avoided decisions bite back.

  • Those who commented on Wyoming’s wolf plan didn’t like it. The analysis of the comments has been released. Whether they lived in Wyoming or elsewhere, a majority was against it. Inside Wyoming, those inside and outside Teton County (Jackson) opposed it. Opposition was greater from those who did not live in Wyoming. Inside Wyoming, opposition…

  • This story appeared Oct. 6 and is fairly moderate in tone, despite the headline — “their struggle” isn’t much compared to the multitude of other things that kill cattle and sheep. Montana’s Department of Fish and Wildife and Parks, which does just about all on-the-ground decision making about wolves today, is also moderate. Montana’s Department…

  • Ed Bangs has released the mid-year estimate of wolf numbers. The final estimate is made for Jan. 1, and, of course, it has to be lower because the pups are born each April or May.. The wolf population continues to grow, most strongly in per cent terms in Montana, although in absolute numbers in Idaho…

  • The AP has written a story about federal wildlife managers more aggressive wolf controls in Wyoming: Although the livestock deaths are dramatically lower so far, Jimenez said the same number of wolves has been removed because federal agents have “taken out more wolves quicker in shorter time frame to not allow packs to keep killing.”…

  • But is wasn’t supposed to be this way, the Wyoming wolf population would grow 20% forever! Just ask Gov. Dave or that Crank guy who is the State’s AG. Here is the brief item from the Bang’s weekly report: Mid-summer pack counts in Wyoming include: 15 breeding packs with pups, 7 packs with unknown breeding…

  •   Although I earlier posted a lot of material about the USFWS proposed changes to the 10j rule on the “non-essential, experimental” population of wolves in Idaho, Wyoming, and much of Montana, a month ago, I’ve been asked to post again now that the due date approaches — August 6. Here is the proposed new…

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